A Message from Rev. Bernard Muindi

A Message from the Patron
The Ministry is under the Presbyterian Church of East Africa, Riamukurwe Parish, in the Presbytery of Nyeri. The Parish headquarters are situated behind the famous Wambugu Farmers Training Center and about 5km from Nyeri town. When the Parish was inaugurate on July 27,1997, it considered that the work among the children was to be part of the church's mission. Particularly it directed its mission to what was known at that time as "Street Children". These were children who were found wandering about in many towns in Kenya. They were either orphans or children from very poor homes. They roamed in the street looking for food from the dustbins or elsewhere. The concern was to keep themselves alive and they spent nights at awkward places. The Parish directed its mission to these needy children. Their urgent needs were; food, shelter, education and health. Christians in the Parish started feeding a few children in a small way and even catered for some of them in their own homes but it was not very easy to keep them in the Christians homes hence it was resolved that a place be found where they could be cared for adequately. A small wooden shelter was constructed for them and some of the parishioners contributed foodstuff for feeding them and during the "Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday" the proceeds were donated for use by the children.
The Parish Minister at that time and a few women elders felt that a better shelter for these children was needed and by faith construction of what is now the dormitory for these children started and completed by God's help. They were guided by the theme from the Book of Nehemiah that; "The God of heaven is the one who will give us success and we his servants are going to start building." A committee was formed to oversee this project which has grown enormously and the Ministry in now catering for Tumaini /Huruma childen. The Ministry depends on the support by the well-wishers and children work on pieces of Land to subsidize the donations from the donors. There is a Board of Management and Child Welfare Committee which overseas and scrutinizes the admission of new needy children. They visit the homes or villages where the children live and assess their situation. The need is great but this Ministry can only meet the very needy cases. As it has been said elsewhere, women and children face many challenges in Kenya. This has been revealed by the status of these groups in the communities catered for by this Ministry.
Let me emphasize that Ministry to these needy children is very challenging as one attempts to rehabilitate them and to give them hope and education. A number of these children have gone through this Ministry and have acquired university education and other are in technical institutions and many more are working in hotels and others have established their small businesses. The Ministry would like students after completing secondary education to acquire technical skills which make them self- supporting and now building a Vocational Training Centre which would be able to absolve many of those who do not qualify for high education. As I have said above, this Ministry is very challenging and involving but is rewarding. When one sees or meets a problem he/she should attempt to deal with rather than evading it. Those who evade the needy children`s problems may regret later on because they are the backbone of the community and they stand for the present and future we-being of the nation. The church of Jesus Christ is challenged by the Children`s Ministry for Jesus himself has shown the importance of caring for children, for instance, where he gave his followers the responsibility of "feeding his lambs". Those who are involved in the Ministry to the Children must be patient, loving, consistent and enduring. You are like a potter using the clay to produce a good pot which will be admired by God and people.
Tumaini/Huruma Ministry invites friends, well-wishers and sponsors to help it in the upbringing and moulding this present and future generation. The Ministry is need of food, bed and beddings, cooking pots and utensils as well as funds for general operations and sponsors to enable the children pursue education. May God bless as you think of this Ministry to these needy children who look upon other people for help. "Truly I say to you as you did to one of the least of those my brethren you did it to me" (Mathew 225:40).
Thank you and May God bless you.
Bernard M Muindi (Very Rev.)